Our Main Services
- Eviction & Mediation - Residential Tenants & Landlords

The unlawful detainer process, more commonly known as an eviction, is used when a landlord wants to remove tenants from a rental property. Only a sheriff can evict someone, with a Court Order. Even if a tenant is months/years behind on rent, the landlord cannot evict the tenant, lock doors, or remove his belongings. The landlord must obtain a court order for the sheriff to evict the tenant.
Please, understand the eviction process and read the California Law.
Landlord: Go to your city offices and request for Ordinaces on Rent Stabilization and Just Couse Ordinance, before you start an eviction process. Tenants: Do the same, to know that the landlord is following the laws: State, County, and your City.
How can we assist you?
Tenants: We can help you by responding to an Eviction Notice or a Summons from your landlord. Do not wait until the last day to submit a response.
Landlord: California landlords must follow strict procedures for evicting a tenant. We are here to accompany you through this process step by step to secure a default judgment or an acceptable stipulation.
Eviction process option:
1. Mediation: Where both parties work together to reach an agreement outside of court. A stipulation for sentencing is generated as a settlement agreement that is filed or may be filed with the court. The stipulation for the entry of the judgment usually states that the landlord will not request the entry of the judgment unless the tenant breaches certain conditions specified in the stipulation.
2. Litigation: A contested action where a judge can make the final decision. To properly evict a tenant, you need to take the legal route and file a lawsuit for unlawful detainer.
If you can not afford an attorney's cost and as a landlord need to file a Complaint with the Court, or you are a tenant responding to a Court Summons, or filing a motion, please contact us.
If you rather have a lawyer, call us to refer you to ethical professionals.
-Legal Motions, Petition or Response -

When a party needs an order from the judge, they can file a motion. They must use specific formats and follow particular timelines to do so.
The other side can file an Opposition to the motion explaining why the judge should not grant the order, and must also follow the formats and time requirements. The moving party can choose to file a Reply to the opposition.
Eviction Motions
Motions allow tenants to avoid eviction, while the agreement orders enable landlords and tenants to work through an arrangement before a final eviction. If the tenant still doesn't get the decision they want, they can then submit an appeal. (more info)
Motion to Quash: It challenges improper service. This is the time when you take over control of the UD case. Just by filing it, the tenant can add a minimum of 18 days to your time of possession. If the tenant wins, the landlord has to re-serve the Summons and Complaint. If the landlord wins, the tenant will have to file an Answer to the Complaint right away.
Demurrer: It is filed by the tenant to say the Complaint doesn’t include all the facts or legal requirements to prove they should be evicted. A Demurrer can delay the case by a few weeks, and if the tenant wins, the landlord might have to start the case all over or even have to give the tenant a new Notice.
Motion to Strike: It is used when a complaint requests relief or damages that are not supported by the allegations of the complaint or it is not verified as required by law.
To ask the Judge for more time to move out:
STAY OF EXECUTION - Temporary Stay of Execution
If you lose your eviction case, you need to move out (at the latest) 5 days after the sheriff posts a Notice to Vacate on your door. If you need more time to move, you can ask the court for a stay of execution. You will need to show the court that you have a good reason for needing more time.
For more information about A Stay of Execution. Go to the Court site for information
To Vacate (“Cancel”) the Judgment Against Me?
Motion to Set Aside a Judgment
If a civil case does not go your way, there are legal options to consider to help you and your loved ones.
One option is a motion to set aside judgment or vacate judgment. These motions are filed after the ruling has been made. For more information go to the Court Site
SOS Ayuda Legal, LLC can assist you, per your request, with the completion of these legal documents.
Small Claims under 10K - Rental Debt - Security Deposit

If you are involved in, or may potentially become involved in, a small claims court action, we might be able to help.
Small claims courts are courts of limited (under K10 claims) jurisdiction that hears civil cases between private litigants. A small claims court is a special court where disputes are resolved quickly and inexpensively (a forum designed to hear cases without the presence of an attorney). Plaintiff's Claim for Small Claims Court for the COVID-19 Rental Debt in English and Spanish
California's Statute of Limitations on Debt
The statute of limitations on debt in California is four years, as stated in the state’s Code of Civil Procedure § 337,
- Tenant own you rental money and did not pay it after moving?
- Landlord did not return the deposit after the 21 days according to California law ?
Small Claims Process options:
1. Mediation: Where both parties work together to reach an agreement outside the court.
2. Litigation: A contested action where a judge may make the final decision.
If you need our assistance to file a case in a Small Claim Court , please contact US
Civil Harassment - Restraining Order & TRO

Whether you or a loved one (Senior, man, child/teen, woman, transgender, etc) need to secure a civil harassment protective order against another party or someone else has filed for a civil harassment order against you, you need to get legal advice. If you can not afford a lawyer, SOS Ayuda Legal is here to assist, per your request, in completing the required Court forms.
Where bullying can occur?
Your school - Your workplace - Your church - A family member - Your neighborhood - Your landlord - Your medical facility - etc.
Definitions Harassment:‘ Unwanted conduct that violates people’s dignity or creates an intimidating hostile, degrading, humiliating, or offensive environment."
Bullying: "Offensive, intimidating, malicious or insulting behavior, abuse or misuse of power through means intended to undermine, humiliate, denigrate or injure the recipient."
In California, it is unlawful for a landlord to intimidate tenants, read more about it
Civil harassment process option:
- Mediation: Where both parties work together to reach an agreement (Stipulation) outside the court.
- Litigation: A contested action where a judge may make the final decision.
If you cannot afford a lawyer and need assistance with your Civil harassment process, contact us.
Cease and Desist Letter

https://www.upcounsel.com/cease-and-desistAccording to Legal Information Institute (LII) from Cornell Law School, a cease and desist letter is a cautionary letter sent to an alleged wrongdoer describing the alleged misconduct and demanding that the alleged misconduct be stopped. A cease and desist letter provides notice that legal action may and will be taken if the conduct continues.
LII stated that such letters are often sent to stop alleged or actual infringement of intellectual property rights, such as copyrights, trademarks, and patents. A cease-and-desist letter may also be used to warn the wrongdoer against harassment, slander, libel, as well as contractual violations. Even though a cease-and-desist letter is a non-binding letter and does not have a legal effect, it is primarily sent to the wrongdoer so that it may later be used as evidence in litigation against the wrongdoer if the alleged misconduct is not stopped.
Anyone can send a cease and desist letter, such as a tenant to a landlord who may be threatening and intimidating with eviction. An attorney does not have to be involved. However, an attorney can advise complainants on whether their rights have been violated and if they have legal and meritorious rights to send a cease and desist letter. An attaornet need to be involved if you are requestion a Cease and Desist Order.
For more information about Cease and Desist go to UPCOUNSEL
Please, contact us for more information
- Uncontested Divorce - Mediation or Litigation

A Divorce in Mutual Agreement
A divorce can be one of the most difficult events in a person's life. However, when both agree to get a divorce, the next step is to accomplish it right. If both act in good faith mediation /Pro Se divorce can save both a lot of time and money in legal fees.
Wat is an uncontested divorce?
An uncontested divorce is a divorce where the couple has resolved and agreed about all major issues, including:
Child custody
Visitation or parenting time
Child support
Spousal support
Division of property
How debt will be divided
An uncontested divorce offers benefits to couples that contested divorces do not. In some states, if you agree to all the terms of your divorce, you may never have to step inside a courtroom. In other states, you still have to go to court, but the uncontested divorce procedure in most states is much quicker than in a contested divorce.
SOS Ayuda Legal, LLC expertise and organizational skills will benefit both parties in maintaining the sense of order and fairness that you both hope for. We are here to facilitate the process, step by step, so both can reach a fair, amicable, and equitable settlement.
Whether you both decide on mediation or Pro Se divorce, you can reduce stress by following the sequence of the court-required forms to complete the process.
Contact us to walk you through the divorce process of your choice mediation or litigation. effectively, and affordably.
Virtual Paralegal Services for Lawyers

We provide on-demand paralegal services to law firms and corporations who may need support on one or ongoing projects in the following areas of practice:
Mediation- Dispute Resolution
Education Law
Family Law
Immigration Law
Tenant / Landlord Law
Case Theory
Criminal Law - Element of Intent-
Legal Forms Preparation
SOS Ayuda Legal, LLC allows law firms and companies to improve productivity by providing variable-cost paralegal support. You are not hiring a single paralegal, you are hiring a team of experienced professionals ready to assist with your project needs.
Certified Mediators and Dispute Resolution Professionals since 2008

What is Mediation?
Mediation is a structured negotiation process in which an independent and neutral person, known as a mediator, assists the parties in identifying, evaluating options, and negotiating an agreement to resolve their dispute. (See California Rule 3.857. Quality of mediation process) Mediation is an alternative to a judge imposing a decision on the parties. Courts encourage mediation and, although the process is voluntary, it’s important to know that refusing a request to mediate may weaken your position if the case is taken before a judge later.
The mediator does not have to be an attorney. The process is informal and flexible, attorneys are not necessary. No formal rules of evidence or witnesses. It is 100% confidential.
What are the benefits of mediation?
- Effective – Mediation has grown in popularity because it has a high settlement rate.
- Efficient – Disputes can be resolved faster than going to court. Statistics indicate that more than 70% of mediation cases settle either on the day or shortly thereafter.
- Cost-effective – Resolving a dispute through mediation is much less expensive than going to court.
- Confidential – Mediation allows the dispute to remain private and can also be less disruptive to a business or a family.
- Flexible – Parties work with a specialist mediator to explore the dispute and all the possible solutions together.
- Less formal than going to court – Fewer people are involved in mediation than when you go to court.
- Rewarding – A mediator’s role is to assist communication between the parties, not to make or impose any decisions; The involved parties control the outcome and work together to come to a win/win agreement.
- Forward-looking – Working together in mediation can benefit professional relationships and build a strong foundation for any future negotiations.
- Can result in a legally binding agreement – Although the process of mediation is not legally binding, it can result in a legally binding settlement document that should have the same strength as a court order.
Stipulation Judgment
A stipulated judgment which constitutes a formal legal acknowledgment and agreement between oposing parties before or during hearing or trial. Stipulations are frequently made to dictate procedural matters in a way that is mutually beneficial for both parties. Furthermore, in a judicial proceeding, a stipulation is binding without consideration. Once you enter into this voluntary agreement, the court may consider it a binding contract you cannot revoke.
Mediation Brief
The mediation brief is an opportunity to tell the client’s story in a compelling and persuasive manner to convince the opposing parties of the merits of the settlement. A well-written and documented brief will assist in achieving a successful mediation.
We are very careful in the approach we use since the goal is a settlement, and to demonstrate that our client has a good, and strong case. A good confidential mediation statement can be a roadmap to help the mediator help you obtain a successful result.
Our mediation practice areas:
Landlord-Tenant Special Education Divorce Civil Harassment Small Claims
NOTE: Both parties have to agree in writing to mediate, to start any process.
This process complies with the
2007 California Evidence Code Chapter 2. Mediation ( CA Codes (evid:1115-1128)
Special Education
Self-Determination - PC Plan & Independent Facilitator

It Is Your Future ? IT IS YOUR RIGHT
Self-Determination is based on values of human rights, interdependence, choice, and social inclusion. You direct your own services and support. We are here to help you to walk through the process and give you the key to control it 100%.
The Self-Determination Program is a creative type of program that is intended to put you in charge of your services and support.
- You have more control and responsibility.
- You find services and supports that fit your life.
- You decide how money is spent to meet your goals.
Your Personal-Centered Plan (PCP) is the foundation for your child's success and we are your Independent Facilitator with the expertise to initiate the process and train you to have control.
SOS Ayuda Legal, LLC is in connection with Yo Domino Mi IEP, which is an official and certified provider of Personal-Centered Plan (PCP) and Independent Facilitator services in California.
Yo Domino Mi IEP Charlas via Zoom

Special Education
Advocacy & Mediation

Empowering Families to Success
The mission statement of SOS Ayuda Legal, LLC is to help parents across Southern California with their special needs child to secure appropriate quality special education services (FAPE), according to Child Find, IDEA, NCLB, RULA, and ADA regulations.
Our goal is to meet your child’s unique needs to prepare him/her for a happy, productive, independent life, to the greatest degree possible.
We understand that every child and situation is unique. We are here to support families of children with disabilities in our community, especially during times of uncertainty.
To successfully walk the IEP system, the secret is knowledge. We will train you to walk you through the step-by-step process, so you can have control of the outcomes.
Contact us today even if your IEP meeting is tomorrow. Remember...
You Know Your Child 100%!
Supportive Services
At SOS Ayuda Legal we believe in the importance of providing an effective and complete line of services to our clients, especially during these present times, where time optimization, reduced costs, and quality of services are as important as the outcomes. As a result, we have built a strong network of alliances with some leading companies to support you in effectively completing your legal and non-legal requirements. The following businesses are aligned with SOS Ayuda Legal 's core values of excellent service and trust.

Court Filing & E-filing
SOS Ayuda Legal, LLC offers Court filing in Orange and Los Angeles County, and Electronic--filing (e-File) in the rest of California.
We are allied with reliable companies that are bonded, reliable & insured, and can meet your case's specific Court filing requirements.
We use only providers who are court-approved to electronically file (e-File) your civil documents.
This process is under the California Rules of Court, Rule 8.70, and California Supreme Court Rules Regarding Electronic Filing

For Professional Notary Services
You can go to a UPS store near you, to notarize your documents. Please go to the link below to find a store near you :

SOS Ayuda Legal, LLC offers personal services, as we are over 18 years old in Orange County, Los Angeles, and Riverside Counties, California.
According to the California Superior Court "Service of court papers" means that the other side must get copies of any paper you file with the court.
Why Proof of Serving is super important?
Proof of service is a document that functions like a legal “receipt” confirming the delivery of documents from one party to another in a legal matter. It is a written version of a sworn statement attesting to the completion of the service process.
Can you serve papers yourself in California?
Do not serve the papers yourself! Any person at least 18 years old and not involved in the case may serve papers. The person who serves the documents will have to fill out a Proof of Service ( POS) form showing what they gave (served) the Court documents to the other parties. This has to be filed at the Court to prove that you serve the other party.
There are cases in which ONLY a Register Processer Server or the County Sheriff can serve the legal document. Ask at the Self-help center of your Courthouse about it.
How to Contact Us
Hablamos Español
Phone: 949) 326- 6612
Email: sos5ayudalegal@gmail.com
600 W Santa Ana Blvd, Suite 206, Santa Ana, CA 92701
In front of USCIS & Federal Building
Monday - Friday: 9 am- 5 pm Saturday: Pre-Pay Appointment ONLY
Sunday: Closed
SOS Ayuda Legal is ready to assist you with the preparation of your legal documents. Give us a call at (949) 326-6612 or submit the contact form. ESTAMOS AQUI PARA USTED !
SOS Ayuda Legal, LLC
Communications between you and SOS Ayuda Legal, LLC, are protected by our Privacy Policy but not by the attorney-client privilege or as work product. SOSayudalegal.com does not provide legal referrals. If you need to consult with an attorney, please contact the California Courts Self-Help Center near you. We ONLY provide self-help services at your specific direction. We are not a law firm or a substitute for an attorney or law firm. We cannot provide any kind of advice, explanation, opinion, or recommendation about possible legal rights, remedies, defenses, options, or selection of forms, or strategies. Your access to the website is subject to our Terms of Use.
Disclaimer: SOS Ayuda Legal, LLC is not a law firm and is not and will not act as your attorney. We can only provide self-help services under your specific direction. SOS Ayuda Legal, LLC cannot represent you in court in any matter, select legal forms, or give legal advice. Services are provided at your request and are not a substitute for the advice of a lawyer. If you need to consult with an attorney, please contact the California Courts Self-Help Center near you. Legal document preparation is provided to the public under the Business & Professional Code 6400. Registered and bonded by The Orange County Clerk-Recorder LDA #509, and UDA #017.